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Fill in your monthly benefit card

Instructions for online procedure.

You must fill in a benefit card every month in order to receive unemployment benefit. 

You must fill in the benefit card for the whole month, even if you have not been unemployed all month. Also for periods when you have not been registered with the job centre, e.g. because you have worked.

As unemployed, you are obliged to inform your “a-kasse” about everything that may affect your entitlement to unemployment benefits. On the benefit card, you must therefore provide information on any work, self-employment, illness, holiday and other things that may affect your right to unemployment benefit.

The benefit card is released one week before the end of the month. If you fill in the unemployment benefit card at this time, you will receive the payment on the last working day of the month. You must fill in your expected working hours, etc. for the last part of the month.

The deadline for filling in the benefit card is 1 month and 10 days from the end of the month. If you fill in the benefit card later than that, you will not be able to receive unemployment benefit for the month.

As a starting point, you receive unemployment benefits for 160.33 hours per month. From here, hours are subtracted if, for example, you have worked, been on holiday, been ill, been on maternity leave, not been registered with the job centre or not been entitled to unemployment benefit.

There must be unemployment benefits for at least 14.8 hours in a month in order for the “a-kasse” to pay benefits for the month.

Remember to tell the “a-kasse” if, for example, you

  • don’t have childcare
  • participate in an education
  • are moving
  • are going abroad
  • are taking a holiday
  • say no thanks to a job that is mediated by the “a-kasse”
  • stopped working as an employee
  • have limitations in your earning capacity

The “a-kasse” compares your information about working hours etc. on the benefit card with the information your employer has reported to the income register – to the Danish Tax Authorities. If you have provided other information than your employer has reported, the “a-kasse” can regulate the payment of unemployment benefits.

Below you will find some phrases and questions that you usually will be asked when filling in the benefit card. If you have any questions or need help, please contact the 'a-kasse'.

The EU regulation establishing the Single Digital Gateway (SDG) says that cross border users from other EU countries must have access to information and self-service solutions on, among other things, unemployment.

In this guide, you can find information on how to fill out the unemployment insurance funds' (a-kassens) online procedure regarding declaration of unemployment and applying for unemployment benefits.

It is important that you answer the questions correctly. It may have consequences for your entitlement to unemployment benefit if you provide incorrect information or fail to disclose circumstances of importance to your entitlement to unemployment benefit. Information which turns out to be incorrect may lead to claims for reimbursement of unemployment benefits and loss of rights.

If you find it difficult to find a specific question or word in the instructions, you can use the search function in pdf/word.

Please contact the “a-kasse”, if you have any questions or need help when completing the online

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1. Generelt



Benefit card


Benefit card


·       Nyt udbetalingskort (skal udfyldes og sendes for at du kan få udbetalt dagpenge)

·       Tidligere indsendt udbetalingskort (skal kun bruges, hvis du har rettelse til et udbetalingskort, du allerede har indsendt)

·       Reguleringskort (hvis du har fået et brev fra os om, at du skal indsende et reguleringskort. På reguleringskortet skal du tage stilling til, om du er enig i de oplysninger vi har fået fra eIndkomst)

Benefit card

·       New benefit card (you must fill in and send this in order to receive unemployment benefit)

·       Previously submitted benefit card (only needed if you have correction to a benefit card you have already sent)

·       Regulation card (if you have received a letter from us stating that you need to submit a regulation card. On the regulation card, you must decide whether you agree with the information we have received from the income register by the Danish Tax Authorities)



Kendte ansættelsesforhold

Known employments

Kendte indtægter og aktiviteter

Known income and activities

Kendte oplysninger udover arbejde

·       Uddannelse med dagpenge

Known information besides work

• Education with unemployment benefits

Spørgsmål om indtægter

·       Har du haft arbejde, indtægter, holdt ferie eller andre forhold, der begrænser din ret til dagpenge?

·       Hvis du har arbejdstimer som selvstændig eller lønmodtager, skal det udfyldes per dag.

Questions about income

• Have you had a job, income, holiday or other circumstances that limit your entitlement to unemployment benefit?

• If you have working hours as a self-employed or as an employee, you must fill out the working hours per day.

Nyt arbejdsforhold eller indtægt

New employment or income

Ansættelsens startdato

Ansættelsens slutdato

Employment start date

End date of employment

Omfanget af din ansættelse

·       Fuldtid

·       Deltid

o   Løstansat/freelancer

o   Har du indgået en skriftlig aftale?

o   Er du ansat efter en overenskomst?

o   Har du et opsigelsesvarsel over for din arbejdsgiver?

o   For at kunne modtage supplerende dagpenge, skal din arbejdsgiver udfylde en frigørelsesattest

o   Er arbejdstiden fastsat i en turnus eller vagtplan?

Extent of your employment

·       Full-time

·       Part-time

o   Casual worker/freelancer

o   Do you have a written employment contract?

o   Are you covered by collective agreement?

o   Do you have a notice of termination to your employer?

o   In order to receive supplementary unemployment benefits, your employer must complete a release certificate

o   Are working hours fixed in a rotation or schedule?


Er du ansat hos ægtefælle eller familie?

Are you employed by a spouse or family?

Søg efter arbejdsgiver

·       Du kan søge på navn, adresse og CVR-nummer

·       Du kan finde arbejdsgiverens cvr-nummer på din lønseddel.

Search by employer

• You can search by name, address and CVR number (The CVR number is an 8 digit number identifying the company in Denmark)

• You can find the employer's CVR number on your payslip.

2. Aktiviteter


Tilføj aktivitet

Add activity

I kalenderen skal du vælge dage og tilføje arbejde/aktiviteter – også ulønnet

In the calendar, select days and add work/activities – also unpaid

Du skal kontrollere de aktiviteter, der allerede står på kortet, og du skal rette dem, hvis ikke de er korrekte

You need to check the activities already on the benefit card, and you need to correct them if they are not correct

Har du i perioden haft



holdt ferie,

været syg,

drevet selvstændig virksomhed eller

har der været andre forhold, som kan have betydning for din ret til dagpenge?

Hvis ja, skal du påføre disse oplysninger dag for dag

Have you during the period

had work

had income,

been on holiday,

been sick,

been self-employed, or

have there been other factors that may affect your entitlement to unemployment benefit?

If yes, apply this information day by day

Hvis du er blevet ledig eller startet job midt i måneden, skal du svare ja til, at du har arbejdet

If you have become unemployed or started a job during the month, you must answer yes to the question “have you had work?”

Du skal skrive arbejdstimer eller indtægt på dagpengekortet

You must fill in working hours or income on the benefit card

Ny oplysninger skal indberettes her

Vælg modregningsårsag

New information must be reported here

Select reason of deduction

·       Aktivitet

·       Timer

·       Indtægt

·       Arbejdsgiver

·       Activities

·       Hours

·       Income

·       Employer



1)       Afvikling af selvstændig virksomhed

2)      Arbejde

3)       Arbejde med løntilskud

4)      Arbejde med løsarbejderattest

5)       Arbejder som underviser

6)      Arbejde ved jordbrug

7)       Arbejdsgivergodtgørelse (G-dage)

8)      Barn syg

9)      Barsel eller graviditetsbetinget sygdom

10)   Ferie

11)   Formueforvaltning

12)   Fri for egen regning

13)   Fritidsbeskæftigelse

14)   Frivillig ulønnet aktivitet

15)   Frivilligt ulønnet arbejde

16)   Frivilligt ulønnet arbejde med modregning

17)   Frivilligt ulønnet arbejde uden modregning

18)   Honorarløn/ukontrollabelt arbejde

19)   Hverv

20)   Konflikt

21)   Kursus med VEU-godtgørelse

22)   Kursus/uddannelse

23)   Lønarbejde

24)   Selvbygger/medbygger

25)   Selvstændig bibeskæftigelse

26)   SU-uddannelse

27)   Sygdom

28)   Uddannelse uden dagpenge

29)   Udlandsophold

30)   Udlandsophold uden dagpenge

31)   Ukontrollabelt arbejde

1)       The company is being wound up

2)      Work

3)       Work with wage subsidies

4)      Work with casual worker certificate

5)       Work as a teacher

6)      Work with a farm

7)       Employer's allowance (G-days)

8)      Child’s illness

9)      Maternity leave or pregnancy-related disease

10)   Holiday

11)   “Formueforvaltning” (asset management)

12)   Free at own expense

13)   ”Fritidsbeskæftigelse” (Leisure activities)

14)   Voluntary activities (unpaid)

15)   Voluntary work (unpaid)

16)   Voluntary work subtracted from the unemployment benefits

17)   Voluntary work not subtracted from the unemployment benefits

18)   Fee (B-income - income not taxable at source)/uncontrollable working hours

19)   Offices

20)   Dispute/conflict (blockade or strike)

21)   Course with VEU reimbursement

22)   Course/education

23)   Employment

24)   Self-builder or co-builder

25)   Self-employment as a sideline activity

26)   SU (Danish education support for students/state education grant)

27)   Illness/disease

28)   Education without unemployment benefits

29)   Going abroad

30)   Going abroad without unemployment benefits

31)   Uncontrollable working hours

3. Supplerende spørgsmål

Complementary questions

Har du i perioden fået udbetalinger fra en privat tillægsforsikring?

Beløb pr. måned før skat i hele kroner


Have you received payments from a private supplementary insurance during the period?

Amount per month before tax in whole kroner

Insurance company

Har du fået udbetalinger fra en lønsikring?

Have you received payments form a salary insurances?


Har du fået udbetalt pension i perioden?

Indsend oplysninger om ændret pensionsbeløb


Have you received a pension during this period?

Submit information about changed pension amount

Afmeldt jobcentret

Er du afmeldt jobcentret i perioden?

Unregistered from the job centre

Are you unregistered from the job centre during this period?

4. Forlængelse af dagpengeperiode

Extension of benefit period

Ønsker du at forlænge din dagpengeperiode?

Do you wish to extend your benefit period?

5. Indsend kort

Submit benefit card

Jeg erklærer på tro og love at oplysningerne er rigtige

I declare in good faith (on faith and law) that the information is correct



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